Sunday, September 9, 2007

Mexicano tu puedes

Mexicano tu puedes (you can, your mexican). when i feel like i can´t eat a second huge portion of food or don´t want to do something, my host family jokes that since i am now mexican, i can (mexicano, tu puedes).

desayuno (breakfast) usually consists of pan tostado (toast), frijoles (beans), and huevos con jamon (eggs with ham), or someother dish. comida (lunch) is made up of a sopa (soup), usually a pasta soup, then some dish that we can put in tortillas. i have a photo i will post later. lunch and dinner (cena) always have tortillas, so whatever meat and side dish we are eating we throw it in a tortilla, add some beans, and layer on the salsa. that is what i call a good time.

life is good here. dance classes three days a week (tues, weds, thurs) and lifting a couple times a week. classes are pretty chill and the spanish i am learning in class i am applying in my conversations so that is way cool. guanajuato has a lot of cool clubs, and a lot of us usually go out a few times a week, you know practice our amazing dance moves and the like. Haven´t connected yet with any mexican students besides my host brother, but hopefully this week will be able to make some friends.

the weather here is pretty nice. when it is not raining, which it was a ton the first week we were here, it is sunny and pretty warm. good shorts and tshirt weather for sure.

my roomate, jud, is a pretty sweet guy. since mexican people have trouble saying jud, he changed his name to juan pedro, which is funny. my host dad is juan manuel, my host brother is juan antonio, and now there is juan pedro, so at times i have become juan samuel. my host mother, leticia, works at a hospital as a manager, manuel was working at the hospital, but recently switched jobs somewhere else in a manager role. antonio is an engineering student at guanajuato university and some days he has up to 11 hours of class. crazy. i only have 4 hours a day and that seems like a lot.

well, i´m out for now. i have some pictures from this weekend at san miguel de allende and the futbol match at leon, but will post those and write about them in the next day or two when i am using my own computer (in an internet cafe right now). adios.

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