Monday, June 9, 2008

Soccer and economics

in frankfurt, Germany
lookin mighty sexy outside the european central bank
some weird lookin street performers in heidelburg
Old town in Heidelburg
6 of us just happened to be wearing dark pants and a white shirt. guess its bound to happen when we all are living out of one suitcase each.
this and next photo are part of heidelburg castle

thought i'd throw in one last update in germany before we head off on our 9hr+ bus ride to prague, czech republic tomorrow. we had our test saturday morning, which was harder than the last (got a high B, means i got to study hard for the next one). we have a steady stream of homework now, which involves readings, small write ups on our business visits, and an economics essay and project coming up soon. I spent the rest of saturday walking around town, denny and I went and visited the castle that over looks Heidelburg (which we ended up seeing as a group on sunday. oh well). a few of us went out to a small club that night but our small group of americans were the only ones dancing. still had a good time though.

sunday we went to church. so far in my life I've been able to experience the great blessing of worshiping our Lord in English, Chinese, Spanish, Lithuanian, Russian, Czech, and now German. so awesome. despite that it was crazy hot in the church, had a good time singing and fellowshipping with German Christians. Sunday afternoon was spent touring the castle again, doing homework, and watching Germany beat Poland in soccer for the Euro 2008 tournament. a couple of us went to a bar (we didn't drink, policy of IBI) and watched the game. European fans are absolutely crazy. After Germany won, cars covered in German flags were honking and people screaming over an hour and a half after the game finished.

Today we had the opportunity to go to Frankfurt where we visited the European Central Bank and Deutsche Bank. These visits were beneficial because I know now I do not want to be a banker or be involved in any matter with banking. boring. the presentations were interesting (long) but overall was a good experience.

I'm spending the rest of the night studying and packing for our trip tomorrow. Hope all is well where ever you may be reading this.

1 comment:

Bill Shorts said...

I'll have a Heineken for you--BadDad