Monday, December 10, 2007


so i forgot to mention in my last blog but me, camilo, and jessica went to this place called tierra santo (holy land). it is a theme park on the outskirts of buenos aires that is biblically themed. really really weird. we took a ton of weird crazy photos (as you will see), it almost felt wrong, but it was just too weird.

me and jesus.
i obviously fit really well

it kept getting wierder. they had ghandi's house, martin luther's house, and mother teresa's also.

giant jesus. with giant buggers.

the holy land
we couldn't help ourselves

pics from uruguay


Bill Shorts said...

Slippery Sam, I'll pray God doesn't read blogs, and if He does, I'll pray for your soul--Dad

heidi said...

watch out! giant, plastic lightning might strike! YIKES!
xo mom
p.s. giant Jesus boogers? double yikes!

wu said...

umm slightly sacreligious (spelling?)...