Sunday, December 16, 2007

last day of argentina

ahhhh. only a few more hours left in buenos aires. amber, jud, and geoffrey left this morning to go on to their own adventures (brazil, bariloche (southern argentina), and somewhere else, respectively), so we had some sad goodbyes last night and this morning. just finished packing, my suitcase is huge, and just killing time to when we meet up at 6:30pm to go to the airport. i believe our flight leaves around 9ish, arriving in houston texas at 6:15am, and getting home in atascadero much much later that night (houston to denver to LA to home).

would love to describe what this semester has meant to me, but its hard. i have made some amazing friendships and experienced and seen more in the last 3.5 months than the majority of people see in their lifetimes. its sad to have this time in my life end, but i feel blessed to have had the opportunity to have traveled, lived, and studied in latin america.

this past week has been eventful. had a spanish final on wednesday and turned in 5 essays (all in spanish) to my politics class. pretty sure i got an A in both classes so excited about that. last few nights have been spent just spending time with my friends from this program. its been great. but i'm tired, because this morning i got home at 4, saturday morning at 6, friday morning at 6, and thursday morning relatively late also. not much sleep, but well worth it. so many good memories.

well, this should be it for my blog. for those of you who stuck with me through this trip, hope my posts have been informative and you enjoyed the pictures. i'll probably start blogging again when i go to europe this summer, so i'll make sure your in the know when the time comes.

for friends and family in california, see you tomorrow. for my east coast peeps, i'll be in PA on the 7th (or 8th, can't remember), but classes start jan.9th so i'll for sure see you then.


Monday, December 10, 2007


so i forgot to mention in my last blog but me, camilo, and jessica went to this place called tierra santo (holy land). it is a theme park on the outskirts of buenos aires that is biblically themed. really really weird. we took a ton of weird crazy photos (as you will see), it almost felt wrong, but it was just too weird.

me and jesus.
i obviously fit really well

it kept getting wierder. they had ghandi's house, martin luther's house, and mother teresa's also.

giant jesus. with giant buggers.

the holy land
we couldn't help ourselves

pics from uruguay

Sunday, December 9, 2007

one more week. crazy.

well, it's sunday afternoon and i've got one week left in latin america. definitely going to miss it. looking back on every country, i think mexico was my favorite. everything about it was awesome. the food, the people, the music, salsa, the small town feel of guanajuato, it was all great. i loved peru but lima was pretty ugly. argentina has been fun but it doesn't feel at all like latin america. everyone else is white like me just they speak better spanish. but the steak and empanadas here are amazing.

last night my house mom cooked up some carne asade de la parillla. meat from the grill. i think it was the reddest meat i've ever eaten but it was so good. i had so many pieces. but i usually don't feel that bad eating a ton at dinner because breakfast consists of two pieces of toast and some fruit, and lunch i'm on my own so it usually consists of a $2 sandwhich in the university cafeteria. breakfast is at 9am, lunch at 1pm, and dinner around 9pm.

plans for this week. only three days left of school (mon, tues, wed) but they are going to be busy. we have a written/oral final in spanish and my politics class i have to write 6 essays (finished one, it was about U.S. intervention in the mexican revolution from 1910-1917) and my other ones involve such topics as the history of the formation of states (countries) in latin america, 4 interpretationes of classic populismo and how it relates to neopopulism (must have fazed out during this part of class, don't remember any of it, but you've got to the love the internet, comes in handy for times like these), and the effects of terrorism on the governments of latin america. yeah!!!! but once wednesday is over, i have no plans until my flight leaves sunday night. i think the rest of my group plans on being drunk those four days and not sleeping, but i plan on just not sleeping. should be fun. i'll be nice and ready for the 10ish hour flight from buenos aires to texas.

in case any of you are wondering, here are the classes i will be taking this spring at messiah:
applied statistics for management, decision making tools for management, business law, an honors class called personal narrative, pluralist world (sounds like a girly touchy feely class to me, but i have to take it to graduate, so let the sharing of emotions begin), music through piano (basic general education music credit, it was this or music through recorder) and judaism (which i'm really looking forward to, find out some information about the jewish history on my mother's side).

one more week. will try and steal some more photos from my friends to share with all y'all.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

this is during our 3hr boat trip from uruguay to argentina. if you hadn't noticed, it spells "hi"
another photo album with photos from all three countries